पेड़ पानी से ख़फ़ा लगता है
बाढ़ आई थी, पता लगता है
ख़ाली जगहें यूँ न रखिए साहिब
इश्तिहारों को बुरा लगता है
हाशिए जब से हुए हैं रौशन
रंग-ए-तहज़ीब उड़ा लगता है
जब कि हाथों की थमी है सिहरन
क्यों लरज़ता सा छुरा लगता है?
क्या करे कोई भला इस दिल का?
जो न लग कर भी लगा लगता है
बेबसी है या कि ये सद्मा है?
जो गुज़रता है ख़ुदा लगता है
- विश्वजीत
Russia's war on Ukraine, Explained
As Ukraine bleeds, American cartoonist Bill Waterson's above comic strip from the 1990s continues to be valid even today. Apparently, to quote the German philosopher George Hegel, "The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history." Today, at the time of writing this blog, it's Day 7 of the full-scale Russian invasion or so-called “special military operation” on Ukraine, and we see no signs of de-escalation on the ground. According to United Nations estimates, a million refugees have fled to nearby countries like Poland, Moldova, and Hungary, while a thousand civilian and military casualties have been reported from both sides. Amidst massive bombings and missile strikes, visuals from Kyiv and Kharkiv look terribly disturbing. We are into a severe humanitarian crisis!
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